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Be, Do, Have Word of the Year Self Care Commitment Tarot/Oracle Spread Goals

<aside> 💡 Answer the questions below, and really try to put as much information in as you can. The more your really narrow down on what you want to be, do, and have, the better you can set and accomplish those goals.


What are some of your proudest of the past year? (these can be deeds, moments, accomplishment, list anything that you’re very proud of)

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What are some things that you feel you need to let go of? (relationships, habits, resentments, etc)

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What kind of relationships would you like to foster in the coming year? (friend, romantic partner, business partner, mentor, protégé, assistant?)

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What current relationships need some attention or healing?

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Where are you on your journey? Select all that apply. Remember to come back and update when you make progress!

If you chose “other” for any of the above, please explain:

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